Electrify your tankbag (delivered with ’crosshair’ power entry) or create a weatherproof power point on your hard luggage.
The elbow connector’s round DC socket fits through a Ø 9/16″ / 14mm ‘cross-hair’ hole, thru connection is secured and sealed with custom rubber seal, M14 S/S nut & washer. Power is provided through the external OptiMATE heavy duty 2 pin SAE connector, compatible with all other.
-Industry standard SAE 2-pin connector
-DC2.5×5.5mm inner socket
-Cable max. rating: 5 Amp
-Very low temperature use(-40°C/-40°F); cable remains flexible in ‘below freezing’ temperatures.
-Includes DC2.5mm plug to SAE adapter and in-line rubber seals for all connectors.
Premium cable designed by TecMate. 3-year limited warranty.
OptiMate Tankbag Power Kit
Produced by Tecmate of North America